Player Pathway

What is the Pathway?

An environment that helps all junior players realise their potential, whether that means they are the best club player they can be, seek a lifelong commitment to the game through coaching or volunteering or perhaps go on to represent England or GB.

Northumberland County Hockey will be providing two levels of support this year;

- Development Centres

- Academy Centres

Please see below for more information about each level of provision

Development Centre

Northumberland Hockey run Development Centre groups for players aged 11 to 17, providing 8 training sessions across July and August. Players attend high quality coaching environments learning a range of skills in a competitive but fun environment. They begin to stretch them beyond school and club hockey.

We are committed to making hockey affordable so we will make it cheaper if we can.

Our development centres are open to all players, in schools years 7 to 12 . (September 2022)

Development Centre Details

Training: Thursday evenings start times 18:00 or 19:15 at two sites (RGS Newcastle, Jesmond and Queen Elizabeth High School, Hexham)

How often: eight training sessions spread between July and August

Cost: £80 max (depending on numbers) covering all pitch hire, equipment, coaching and NCHA playing shirt.

Registration is closed online however we are always keen for more to be invloved so if your child would like to join in with the sessions all you will need to do is contact Fi or Adam directly via email.

Academy Centre

Northumberland Hockey run Academy Centre groups for players aged 11 to 17, providing 6 training sessions and 3 or 4 competition days per season.

Players attend high quality coaching environments learning a range of skills in a competitive but fun environment.
Regular competition against Durham, North/South/West Yorkshire and Humber, provides excellent age appropriate match experience for players.

How to get involved

  • Players are usually nominated to attend an Academy Centre by their Development Centre coaches

  • Players may be nominated by their school if they have previously attended a Development Centre

  • Players can be nominated from the ages of 11-17

  • Players who consistently demonstrate strong skills are invited to Academy Centres

If you are not selected for an Academy Centre do not worry, you should continue to develop your hockey through school, club and Development Centre activity. You may be nominated to attend an Academy Centre later in the season and can be nominated at any age group.